The Change model elements that inform both my coaching and my consulting work are:
1. Intention Setting around a clear set of goals - if we don’t refiner our capacity to follow our purpose, we lose the element of greater ease in our goal achievement;
2. Growing self-awareness of mind, body, emotions - self-awareness is not the goal in and of itself. it is a capacity that we bring to our leadership and interactions that makes the difference between reactive and creative capacities,
3.Learning/Discovering/Changing through small practices - learning new skills is a matter of practice, practice, practice,
4. Mental models/Frameworks/Change Literacy - there are more and less effective ways of going about changing habits of behavior. it helps to have frameworks to guide the way through complexity,
5. Community - all change has a social or contextual component - I recommend enlisting a couple of accountability partners to support one’s development aspirations and/or join the Women Agents of Change community (more info on that group and offerings at )