In a recent Harvard Business Review article Ask These 5 Questions to Decide Your Next Career Move, Rebecca Zucker, Executive Coach and Founder of Next Step Partners, suggests that anyone stepping into an expanded role or considering a career shift should first consider the questions below. 

How fulfilled am I?
Does your work feel challenging and meaningful? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment? Do you feel like a valued contributor and feel a sense of camaraderie on your team—even in a virtual world?

How am I learning and growing?
If your current role doesn’t offer additional training, education and virtual networking opportunities, should you look for a role that will?

Am I headed in the right direction?
Will a new role on your resume add value to your career narrative? Will your next role improve your life and finances? If it’s a zero-sum game, it may be worth waiting for a better opportunity.

What seeds do I need to plant now?  
How can you be a more compelling candidate? What experiences do you need? How can you leverage your network? 

What relationships do I need to build?
How do I leverage networks of connections beyond my current spheres of influence? What alumni networks could I tap into? Communities of practice? Social clubs?