What is Clean Talk?
Clean Talk is a very easy to use model of awareness-based communication that can help you make any conversation more productive. With some practice, it will allow you know how to take responsibility for your part of whatever needs to be addressed rather than blaming the other person, and you will therefore be more likely to get what you want with them.
You can use the Clean Talk model in several ways:
A) to simply get clear for yourself on what has happened, what assumptions you are making about what has happened, how you are feeling as a result and what you would like to see happen to resolve things. Then you can decide whether the situation warrants a conversation or not.
B) to prepare and to guide what you actually say in a challenging conversation with another person. The framework allows you to get clean with your language so that you are not assigning blame, or confusing opinions with facts, etc
C) To guide or coach a friend, colleague or coachee who needs to get ‘unstuck’ before having a challenging or important conversation with another person
Clean Talk does not guarantee that you will ‘win’ in the conversation or get what you want/need in every single interaction. It will guarantee that you will have prepared and spoken so as to show up as the best you possible: clear headed; aware of your thoughts, feelings and assumptions; genuine; clear about your own boundaries and yet also coming from a place of generosity of spirit. It will ensure that you have spoken your truth without ‘attacking’ the other person.