September 2021

Katherine, Welcome! I will be adding resources to this site as we move along our 6-month accelerated development coaching plan together. Looking forward to it! Dorian

A.Our plan moving forward

Starting in September of 2021 and for the next 6 months, we will meet approximately every two weeks (or twice a month) for coaching zoom sessions built around your goals and objectives for leadership development. In each session, we will focus on progress made in the preceding two weeks, and current challenges and opportunities as well as reviewing together specific frameworks or practices that may be useful in accelerating progress and strengthening leadership capacity. As part of our coaching partnership, I will also be available to interview each of your direct reports and a number of other stakeholders identified by you. I will also be available to join you in any team meetings you may find of interest. All frameworks, handouts or practices shared with you can be shared with your team as you wish.

Looking forward to our coaching partnership,


B. Objectives as of September 27, 2021

1) Embrace discomfort and conflict in a more visible way

2) Find my voice, concisely, and more frequently

3) Move from beginner to pro in a new setting through leveraging beginner mindset for curiosity and learning

4) Be more hands on, with an emphasis on vision and strategy, when it comes to team building and bringing the organization together.

C. Some backgrdound:

The Change model elements that inform both my coaching and my consulting work are:

1. Intention Setting around a clear set of goals - if we don’t refiner our capacity to follow our purpose, we lose the element of greater ease in our goal achievement;

2. Growing self-awareness of mind, body, emotions - self-awareness is not the goal in and of itself. it is a capacity that we bring to our leadership and interactions that makes the difference between reactive and creative capacities,

3.Learning/Discovering/Changing through small practices - learning new skills is a matter of practice, practice, practice,

4. Mental models/Frameworks/Change Literacy - there are more and less effective ways of going about changing habits of behavior. it helps to have frameworks to guide the way through complexity,

5. Community and Mutual Accountability - all change has a social or contextual component - I recommend enlisting a couple of accountability partners to support one’s development aspirations. Having one’s own informal board of directors is a key differentiator of high achieving leaders.

You are also welcome to join the Women Agents of Change online community’s WhatsApp if that could prove of value (more info on that group and its offerings at )