Oct 2017 - Mar 2018 - CIYO W.A.C (Women as Agents of Change) - ONLINE PROGRAM - an initiation into soaring through the art of change - To Reserve Your Space Register HERE
Why this program now:
The complex times we live in call us - to step up and out, to bring about changes with greater skill and greater heart, to expand our presence and purpose - for ourselves, with others, in and for the systems in which we operate.
Each participant brings her own unique change questions to light in the program, and transforms them into new ways of doing things in her work and life, a creative project that demands to be fulfilled or an intention that needs the support of others.
Focus Areas:
Changing Self - Growing Self-Awareness and Developing Past Inner Limits
Changing With Others - Interpersonal Dynamics and Creating High Value Teams
Changing Systems - Leveraging Systems Dynamics for Lasting Change
Strengthening Presence and Purpose - Developing Inner Resilience, Nurturing Head-Heart-Body, Clarifying One's Purpose and Its Expression At This Stage
Starts Oct 2017 with a webinar video call - one will be from 8am to 10am Pacific US and the other will be offered from 5pm to 7pm Pacific US (the sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend live).
The full program takes place Oct 2017 through Mar 2018 as a 6 month virtual and live learning journey with webinar calls every 2 weeks and new content (pdfs, video links, reading recommendations, reflection questions, e-handouts, etc) delivered to you weekly, supported by your undertaking your very own 'action project'.
Prerequisite: CIYO residential or CIYO online program
- This program benefits from participant familiarity with the CIYO program foundations - if you are not a CIYO Alumna, you can either attend a CIYO residential program prior to or during the program at Alumna rates, or Dorian and her CIYO Faculty partners will shape a tailored online CIYO course preparation for you which will start in August 2017 (in which case an additional membership month fee will apply)
2-hour online learning webinars will be hosted by Dorian and invited guest faculty every 2 weeks (recordings will be available for those who cannot attend live), with readings, exercises and written materials available to support the theme of each webinar session.
Individual Action Intentions to be designed and undertaken by each participant in her family, work or community setting.
A range of guest faculty and speaker presentations from around the globe will introduce us to cutting edge mindfulness, leadership, peer coaching and change methodologies. Dorian will also invite participants to consider co-hosting some of the learning webinar calls and Jan2017-Jun2017 W.A.C. Alumnae will be joining to share their project updates as a way of learning together (more details as we get started).
Videos, podcasts, readings and other online sources will be leveraged to provide resources to participants for their chosen action projects.
Optional psychometric self-assessments to be offered: Fascination Advantage, MBTI Step II, Firo-B, TKI. Others as jointly determined.
Mindfulness practices to be introduced and used during each webinar call (3-minute breath pause, Check Ins, Check Outs, Embodied leadership practices, etc.).
Sessions by Emphasis Area
Community Startup; Introduction to Check-Ins; Welcoming the Right Brain through drawing; Mindfulness
Changing Self Emphasis: The Narratives That Shape Us/Lifeline Work; MIndfulness
Changing Self Emphasis: Immunity to Change (Kegan & Lahey) and Our Brain and Habits
Changing Self Emphasis: Leadership Archetypes (CIYO)
Changing Teams Emphasis: The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni)
Changing Systems Emphasis: Ladder of Inference (Chris Argyris) and Iceberg Model (Senge, Isaacs, Scharmer, Kahane)
Presence and Purpose Emphasis: the Inner Critic & the Inner Mentor (Mohr), Callings
Presence and Purpose Emphasis: Shadows of the Archetypes (ShadowWork/Cliff Barry)
Changing Systems Emphasis: Structural Dynamics (Kantor)
Changing Systems Emphasis: Cynefin Model - Complexity and Leadership (Snowden)
Changing Systems Emphasis: Iceberg model for Systems Analysis and for Systems Change (Senge, Isaacs, Scharmer, Kahane)
Changing Systems Emphasis: What Isn't Working as Expected and What Is Working Exactly As The System Needs It To; Shaping one's work in alignment with one's values
Changing Self Emphasis: What Has Changed, What Has Stayed The Same, What Lessons Are We Drawing Together
Celebration and Letting Go: Key Phases of the Creative Process. Setting Powerful Intentions
$850 membership fee to be invoiced in 4 installments, starting at the end of October 2017 and the last one due March 28th, 2017. Note: you will have the option of canceling your membership at any point during the program, after which point no further installment payment will be due. We want to make this program as accessible as possible, so your current financial situation should not stand in the way of your commitment to development. If you have any questions about this, please email Dorian
A commitment by each participant to share key learning elements from the program with 12 other women by the Summer of 2018, with attribution of the learning source as the W.A.C. (Women as Agents of Change) program.