Weekly Journaling Power Practice - yes, journaling can be a POWER practice
First of all, a bit about the Why the two questions above?
Because Awareness shapes your Attention. Your Attention, in turn influences your Meaning Making. And how you Make Meaning determines the options you have to take wise Actions or make strong Decisions.
So honing your Awareness (of self, of others and the context) is a key factor to a fulfilling life and strong leadership. So why wouldn’t you answer the two questions above as a regular practice of discernment and as foundations of wiser action?
Secondly, a bit about Journaling.
Journaling is not some dusty practice of Victorian ladies, but a transformational leadership development technology available to you to support your personal growth and development. We sometimes think that 'thinking about things' is the way to go. But writing, actual old fashioned writing on paper, activates different parts of ourselves and leads to deeper reflection, insights and preparation for action. So get yourself a journal of some sort (I have some favorites listed in my Library by any simple journal will do as a start), and please journal your answer to these two questions for at least 10 minutes, once or even twice a day for a week, and at the end of the experiment find someone to talk with about your insights from the process.
What patterns of thought, behavior, mindset did you discover over the week of self-awareness testing? what new awareness about yourself, others, the world around you has emerged? how did your answers raise more questions worthy of your continued attention? how did it give you answers you hadn't been seeking? how did it disturb you? (by the way, that is a good sign, as growth always causes some disturbance)
Guidelines for Journaling:
When journaling, try not to select what to write about, but to open your heart and mind. Meditate on the question in silence for a minute or two and see what wants your heart's attention.
Do not censor your writing. This is for you. It's more important that you be honest with yourself than hold back because someone else might see it.
Allow form to follow content. Don't worry about organization or making sense, or even if you write in full sentences. Let your heart and deeper mind be your guide.
Afterward, if it feels right, you can bring what you've uncovered into conversation with a loved one or trusted friend. If you're not comfortable sharing in this way, you can email a friend. It's also fine to experience these reflective moments in solitude.
Other questions to Work With:
Which would you rather be: a mirror or a window, and why?
Describe your personality as an aspect of nature.
Describe which is more reliable for you: your mind or your heart.
Describe a moment of clarity in which you felt a greater sense of life than usual.
If you want to read more about the power of journaling see: http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2017/08/a-beginners-guide-to-keeping-a-journal.html
And for those who love poetry, here are some words by Mark Nepo on journaling….. "as a canvas for our thoughts and feelings, a canvas for how things fit, for how we fit, for how we re-find Unity. Journaling is how we stay in conversation with the Universe. Journaling is how we sketch truth with our heart." From his introduction to this latest book: Things that Join the Sea and the Sky