By registering for this program, you are committing to the following:
- to participate in the 12 months of online and live learning, practice and reflection that will start October 23, 2017
- to undertake an action project to deliver on a change intention for myself, for a team or for a system I am able to influence
- to introduce 12 other women for free, by the Fall of 2018, to key frameworks, models, videos, insights or materials that have impacted you strongly during the course of the program. Note: it will be up to your creativity to determine how to accomplish this commitment - emails, in person dialogues, newsletter article, workshops, etc. All materials and knowledge gained in the A.O.C. is shareable with others with no fee due to the Agents of Change program.
Membership fee for the 12 months: $650 (an installment payment option is available with two payments of $350)
Note: The intention is to make this program accessible to women of all financial means. Therefore lets explore options if the fee timing is the obstacle. Email Dorian
For those who are concerned about timezones or technology requirements - a number of methods will be made available for you to select from to take full advantage of the development opportunity and to try new approaches to learning 'while virtual':
- live online webinars on Zoom - planned for every three weeks starting October 23, 2017. One webinar videocall will be offered at 9am US Pacific and a second one will be offered at 6pm US Pacific.
- recordings of the webinars will be available within 48 hours following a live webinar if you cannot attend or want to review some of the content
- supporting documents and materials will be sent out to deepen knowledge in particular areas of focus
- small group breakout discussions will be organized depending on interest and location and timezone constraints
- peer action project learning trios will be set up to encourage peer-to-peer support and challenge
- recommended articles, videos, audio clips and books will be provided
- a password-protected website for W.A.C. participants with access to supporting materials and recordings of the webinars
- an Agents of Change closed Facebook Group will be our primary place for online asynchronous reflection, connection with current participants and alumnae of the program, and the sharing of ideas and resources in between webinars
- ad-hoc individual and group coaching calls will be set up to support each participant in her intentions
To complete Step 1 of registering for this program, please fill out the following information. Upon submitting this information, you’ll be automatically taken to Step 2, the payment options.
Thank you so much for registering.
Warmly, Dorian