This Intention Setting handout combines a number of different exercises (each appealing to a different form of intelligence within us) that you can use in your own time to refine your sense of focus for the future. Without a clear picture of where we have been and where we are, it is difficult to determine how to forge a path forward. :-)



EMPHASIS: Noticing and shifting our Internal Weather (self-regulation as a key capacity of leadership in times of change/pressure)

A very simple but powerful process is to have an Internal Weather checkin with oneself at the start of each day.

Step 1 - pause and breathe gently for 2 to 3 breaths. Now bring your attention inward to your internal mood, emotions, felt sense. Ask yourself: “What is my Internal Weather right now?”. Notice if it is stormy, sad, joyous, anxious, sunny, foggy, undecided, etc. Whatever it is, apply some self-compassion to yourself and let it be as it is for the moment. Just notice. Do not judge yourself one way or the other. You are simply taking a reading.

Step 2 - Once you are ready, then ask yourself: “What is one simplest thing I could do, to shift my Internal Weather in a way that is more helpful to me and to others?”. Do that thing within the next hour. Possibilities: hug your child, notice the beauty of a park on the way to work, remind yourself of something that you are grateful for in life, listen to a favorite piece of music, take 10 minutes to do some yoga or other exercise that uplifts you, call a friend while commuting to work, consider what one thing you really want to accomplish at the office, plan a lovely outing for the weekend, etc etc But remember the next simplest thing. Even if the weather just improves by a small amount, it is ok.

Step 3. Repeat daily for at least 2 weeks to start to notice what impact this simple practice of self (and other) compassion is having.

EMPHASIS: Immunity to Change - the real reason people won’t change (their mindsets and the hidden competing commitments)


EMPHASIS: Becoming aware of initial levels of trust bestowed - from resistor to co-creator mindset and behavioral habits

arch of engagement.png

Judith Glaser’s Arc of Engagement - it is helpful to self-assess where you stand in your initial interactions and where you think the individuals you are engaging with may stand vis-a-vis the Arc of Engagement. This can often be helpful especially in cross-cultural situations, where differing ways of engaging with authority, autonomy or decision making are both culturally and personally informed. We all make the assumption that others are wired to trust as we do. That could not farther from the truth. So it is helpful to become aware of the differences and practice shift our own and others’ default engagement patterns.

And the reason why TRUST is fundamental is……(see below)

FOR THE FUTURE - How to build a high performance team - bringing trust mindsets (assumptions of trust bestowed and received; vulnerability; disclosure) and motivational muscle together

Amy Edmondson’s Ted Talk on Trust, Motivation, Stretch goals and High Performance